

The Document Object Model is a higher-level API which models the content of a YAML document as graph structure. It is equivalent to the Representation structure as defined in the YAML specification.


A YAML character stream can contain one or multiple documents. Yaml.Dom.Loading provides the facilities to transform a stream into a single document (in the case that multiple documents are not expected) or a list of documents. For each document, you’ll get a Document_Reference value.

Data Layout & Handling

Each document is reference-counted. When navigating it, you will get Node_Reference values which, as long as they live, increase the reference count of the document. As soon as all references to the document itself and its nodes vanish, the document and all its nodes will be deallocated. The nodes are not individually reference-counted because a YAML graph may contain cycles.

In the DOM, anchors and aliases have been resolved. That means that if in the YAML input, a node had an anchor and there was an alias somewhere that referenced that anchor, in the DOM, these two places will point to the same node in memory. You can check whether two Node_Reference values point to the same node with the Same_Node function, which only compares the memory location.

Nodes can be checked for equivalence with the "=" function, which compares their tags and their content. That comparison may be costly because it needs to break cycles; however, it short-circuits as soon as a difference is found.

The content of collection nodes is managed by the two packages Yaml.Dom.Sequence_Data and Yaml.Dom.Mapping_Data. They mimic the API of the standard packages Ada.Containers.Vectors and Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps, respectively and are actually backed by those structures with all implications about algorithmic complexity of the provided subprograms. The indirection is necessary for providing the reference-counted types.

You can programmatically create document objects and nodes with the constructor subprograms in Yaml.Dom. To create a node, you always need an existing Document_Reference. That node will be owned by this document and must not be put into a different document.

The document and node objects preserve some of the representation information from the event stream. Note that according to the YAML specification, this representational information must not be used when processing the input data. It is however convenient to tweak the output you will get when dumping and leads to preservation of most of the document’s style when dumping a loaded document.


Yaml.Dom.Dumping provides facilities to serialize a document to an event stream or directly dump it to a destination. You can either dump one or multiple documents at once. The To_Event_Queue functions create a Yaml.Events.Queue object which contains the sequence of generated events. Events cannot be produced one-by-one because anchors are only added when the second reference to the same node is encountered. Every dumping method produces a complete stream including a Stream_Start and a Stream_End event.

Code examples

Typical code for loading the standard input into a DOM structure would look like this:

with Ada.Text_IO;

with Yaml.Source.Text_IO;
with Yaml.Dom.Loading;
with Yaml.Dom.Node;

procedure Load_Dom is
   use type Dom.Node_Kind;

   Input : Source.Pointer :=
     Yaml.Source.Text_IO.As_Source (Ada.Text_IO.Standard_Input);
   Document : Yaml.Dom.Document_Reference :=
     Yaml.Dom.Loading.From_Source (Input);
   Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Root node is a " & Document.Root.Value.Kind'Img);
end Load_Dom;

Typical code for dumping a document to standard output would look like this:

with Ada.Text_IO;

with Yaml.Destination.Text_IO;
with Yaml.Dom.Node;
with Yaml.Dom.Dumping;
with Yaml.Dom.Mapping_Data;
with Yaml.Dom.Sequence_Data;

procedure Dump_Dom is
   Document : Yaml.Dom.Document_Reference := Yaml.Dom.New_Document;
   Root : Yaml.Dom.Node_Reference := Document.New_Mapping;
   Key  : Yaml.Dom.Node_Reference := Document.New_Scalar ("a sequence");
   Seq  : Yaml.Dom.Node_Reference := Document.New_Sequence;
   Seq.Value.Data.Items.Append (Document.New_Scalar ("one"));
   Seq.Value.Data.Items.Append (Document.New_Scalar ("two"));
   Seq.Value.Data.Items.Append (Document.New_Scalar ("three"));
   Root.Value.Data.Pairs.Insert (Key, Seq);
   Document.Set_Root (Root);
     (Document, Yaml.Destination.Text_IO.As_Destination
end Dump_Dom;

This will dump the following YAML character stream:

a sequence:
  - one
  - two
  - three